Your Ideal Brand Strategy, According to Your Enneagram Type


The Enneagram is an awesome personality tool that can reveal so much.

At Awake and Seek, we use it to unveil our weaknesses, hone in on our strengths, and even use it in branding and design projects. When it comes to building a brand strategy, each Enneagram type has both incredible strengths that other types just won’t max out on, as well as some weaknesses that might be total blind spots.

Read on for your Enneagram type to see your superpower and your blindspot and get to building out the best brand strategy for you.

Type 1: The Perfectionist


You’ve got your noble promise on lock. You know the transformation you’ll bring to the clients—heck, the world. Your process is probably pretty streamlined, and the outcome you’re working towards is probably pretty repeatable.


It can be tough for you to understand that different people need to be marketed to in different ways. Breaking out of your “but there’s one right way” mold especially when you’re working on converting different kinds of customers will give you freedom and likely a higher return on your (many) efforts.

Type 2: The Helper


Your vision for the people you want to work with is strong. You love them like no other type loves people. You have a pretty easy time catering your brand strategy to your ideal audience, and you probably have all the information on them that you could ever dream of.


You can struggle to solidify your offerings because you want to just give everyone a custom, tailored offering. Choosing what to offer and owning the price that you set it at gives you sweats just thinking about it — but clarity is kindness, to you and to your customers.

Type 3: The Achiever


Nobody does goals like you! You know where you plan to be in the next quarter, next year, next 10 years. This translates well to your customer journey funnels because they’re measurable and repeatable—your achiever self rocks at building out and refining processes like that.


You can get so caught up in winning, in grinding, in “gaming the system” that you can lose sight of what this is all about: People. Where your brand strategy wins convert-ability, your client experience and getting off auto-pilot and into the weeds of growth can be major blind spots.

Type 4: The Individualist


The biggest “duh” of this article: The visual brand of individualists is stunning. You’ve got taste, my friend, and your aesthetic—from your logo to your mood board—is unique, memorable, and simply beautiful.


Intuition is awesome, and you’ve got it in spades, but you’ll trade away a good feeling for systems or information that’s proven to work. Your website and marketing materials might be beautiful and truly “you” but they might not be magnetic or attractive to your ideal audience. Take a look at your assets and confirm that you’re putting your community and your audience ahead of your personal taste and deep thoughts.

Type 5: The Investigator


Your brand strategy is the most well-researched of all the types. You take the time to deeply study your ideal client, to read all the books on your brand archetype, figure out the perfect tried-and-true marketing strategy. It might take you a bit longer to create, but your brand strategy is solid, built on reliable facts and insights.


If it were up to you, you’d spend all your time crafting the perfect strategy and never get around to the “doing” of business. What’s the use of great information if you never give yourself the space to implement anything? Your weakness isn’t in the strategy itself, but rather in stalling out once your strategy is complete. Show up to do the coaching, the marketing, the designing—whatever your thing is! 

Type 6: The Loyalist


You are acutely aware of your industry landscape and your competitors. It’s natural for you to take stock of your surroundings and know where you fit at all times. Many types ignore their competition altogether, content to keep their head down and push through with whatever they’ve come up with. You see others in your industry clearly, which helps you mark your own territory and you’re more likely to choose collaboration over competition (a win all around).


Figuring out where you want your brand and business to move in the future, where you want to take your customers and your own life, can feel very overwhelming to a 6. Making decisions centered around goals and planning can cause anxiety, and sometimes 6s get stuck in problem-solving mode rather than dreaming/vision-casting. Work to create space where you can imagine your brand in the future without your trademark realism/pessimism.

Type 7: The Enthusiast


You are creative as heck!! Exploring your brand might be the most fun you ever have. You’re great at weaving a story between you, your business, and your potential clients. The thread of your brand between all the different facets is super strong.


Planning is...not your thing. You can feel boxed in by strategies and schedules, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t important. Trade solid strategies for creative solutions and problem solving. Work to apply your brand moment-by-moment to build your strategy in real-time rather than making a plan that doesn’t feel fun in the future.

Type 8: The Challenger


When it comes to having a unique stance in your industry (the core of branding in this culture), you own that ish. Having a unique hot take is kinda your whole thing! It’s easy for you to know what makes you different and the stance you want to take with your work in this world.


Connecting at a heart level (not an intellectual level) with your potential clients isn’t your favorite thing. It requires vulnerability and a selective sharing of your own failures—two of your *favorite* things! Practice first being honest with yourself about your business journey (it’s not all perfection and confidence, sorry babe) and then start sharing on your own terms on Instagram or your podcast. 

Type 9: The Peacemaker


Your ability to see things from many different angles makes you an excellent problem solver. It’s easy for you to slip into the shoes of your audience, of your competitors, and of your collaborators. The part of your brand strategy that’s about specific, problem-based applications of your personality and structure is going to be the strongest part for you.


Honestly, the whole concept of branding is tough for you—it requires deep self-knowledge and understanding of who you want to be, apart from what people want from you. Diving into your own still waters is a challenge. Give yourself the space and time to attack this slowly, working your way deeper and waking yourself up. Finding a partner or a brand strategist (who you aren’t trying to emotionally attach to) might really help you with this!

What did you learn about yourself through this?? Having a brand strategist walk with you through this process, highlighting your strengths and filling in for your weaknesses, ensures that you have a brand strategy that’s custom-tailored to you and how you do business. 

We’d love to be your guides and designers. We’re passionate about Kingdom-focused business owners creating brand strategies that support their businesses from a faith-rooted place, unlike other brand strategists. Set up your free 15-minute discovery call with us here!


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